Diabetes Program: The RPN obtains vital signs, assessments and rooms patients.
Memory Clinic: The RPN performs cognitive testing as per Mint Memory Clinic Testing package, debrief on testing results with Memory Clinic Team
Smoking Cessation Program: The RPN registers patients into the STOP program, performs health teach and coaching to help people quit smoking. Smoking cessation program consists scheduling clients for initial and follow up appointments, provide/distribute Nicotine Therapy products, coaching to encourage, support patients in the smoking cessation journey.
In a typical day there would be a vary of people that could come in the office. The RPN rooms patients while performing RPN duties like injections, health teaching for AM, and be available for MD assist if needed. The RPN’s set up a Holter monitor, 24 hour automatic blood pressure machine, giving immunizations to a range off ages 2mths-100+ year old patients, calling clients with test results and/or recommendations from MD, follow up with tests, referrals requested or sent out by MD’s, stock rooms with medical supplies.
Our RPN’s offer to our patients:
A positive outlook with patients, welcoming demeanor, caring of patients wellbeing while providing primary health care to patients of the health team as guided by the College of Nurses of Ontario. The RPN performs nursing processes through health assessments, diagnosis, planning, intervention and evaluation. The RPN provides nursing support to providers in selected procedures when needed, works collaboratively with other staff to support a successful and seamless patient experience.